Copy Writing and Editing

At Papercut, we make words work for you.

When it comes to making good first impressions on potential customers, or maintaining your relationship with existing ones, words matter. Content marketing not only costs two-thirds less than traditional forms, but it has been proven to more effectively drive sales and establish stronger connections with clients.

Whether you lack the time or the in-house talent, Papercut has you covered. We’ll help you find the right words, so you can go back to focusing on what makes your business so great. Your copy will be fully edited, proofread and formatted by our qualified team members.

Some of the content we provide:

Website Content

Your website says a lot about you — make sure it’s saying good things! Our writers will create compelling website copy with SEO that will get your site seen.


Too busy to keep your blog updated every single week? We will pair you with a Papercut copywriter to match your unique style and voice, engaging your customers with regular, quality posts.

Ecommerce Content

Product descriptions, reviews, category page content — we can do it all! Make your products stand out from the crowd with unique copy that will sell, and formatted for pain-free uploading to most eCommerce platforms.

Article Writing

Articles are far more compelling for your customers than other forms of content — 70% of people would rather learn more about your business through an article, rather than an ad. Whatever the topic, our copywriters will find interesting angles to create engaging, timely pieces that will inspire. Our copywriters have a wide range of expertise, meaning we can match you with the perfect writer for the job.

Press Release Writing

Got a message you need to send out to the world? An upcoming product release or event? We’ve got the specialists who can write quality press releases that will grab the attention of journalists and get your business the attention it deserves.


Keep your customers informed! Email updates and marketing campaigns are two main ways you can reach out, both of which depend on well-written and convincing copy.

Social Media

Social media is one of the most important ways you can connect with your customers in the digital age. Add a personal touch and build a community around your business through regular posting and engagement. We take the stress out of content creation and understand how to optimise posts for various social media platforms.

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