Interactive and Responsive Design

Touch Screen Kiosks

When a user wants to find out a wide variety of information, often a simple 2D noticeboard won’t suffice. To convey a greater amount of information to those interested, a touchscreen kiosk offers the potential for a large number of pages all full of information. This allows businesses and organisations to pass on significant amounts of information whilst using up a minimal amount of space. This is an increasingly common medium, and Papercut is at the forefront of the mode of communication.

Way Finding Panels

These are useful panels and signage that are designed to act as maps and guidance in potentially difficult to navigate areas. Their simple design allows for easily read directions, allowing people to find their way from A to B with little need for interpretation. Most commonly used in especially large buildings or campuses, these can be vital for anyone new to the area.

Multi-touch Apps

Multi-touch apps allow users to use apps more creatively and flexibly. With support for multiple points of contact, anyone using the software can drag, drop and move parts of the app. This is especially useful in the case of creative apps, where multi-tasking can make difficult tasks faster to deal with.

Museum Interactives

Contemporary museums are more and more frequently relying on interactive interfaces to educate, inform and inspire visitors on the amazing history laid out within the confinements of the museum walls. The Papercut team can produce top-quality museum interactive that fit in with the museum’s aesthetics and overall tone, meaning that history can blend seamlessly with state-of-the-art technology.

Mobile App Design

With the exponential explosion of apps of all kinds onto iOS and Google Play among other outlets, it’s harder than ever before to make your app stand out in the sea of similar products. Our creative team can work with you every step of the way, from planning to production, to ensure that your app is performing at its optimal level, and thus drawing maximum users possible.


A presentation can be a great way to gauge a response from your intended audience. What’s more, they’re incredibly versatile and can be integrated into both events and day-to-day schedules with ease. Here at Papercut, we have a team of experts that can aid you in producing PowerPoints that are concise, engaging, and thoroughly enjoyable for both consumer and creator.

For all of these and more, get in touch with us here at Papercut. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with all of your interactive and responsive design needs!

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