Signage and Wayfinding Strategy

As more and more consumers begin to favour online shopping over physical stores, it is more important than ever to invest in the appearance and signage of your business. Papercut has the design and print expertise to create signage for organisations of all sizes, in any industry.

The Importance Of Effective Signage

The front of your business is the first contact a potential customer will have with your company. Your signage must be an accurate reflection of your brand and signify to customers you are a professional company. Signage is also important as it can be used to attract and draw in new customers. Illuminated signage and promotional window designs, for example, can convince shoppers or potential clients to enter your store and engage with your products and services.

What Is The Wayfinding Strategy?

Wayfinding, as the name suggests, is a strategy to help individuals find their way. When utilised effectively wayfinding can be used to help consumers navigate a shopping space in the most beneficial way, helping businesses plan their customer’s journey. Similarly, a wayfinding strategy can be used outside of a store, to help pull customers inside through the use of additional signs, posters and signboards.

How To Create An Effective Wayfinding Strategy

For a wayfinding strategy to work effectively, clear and consistent directional signage is essential. Without coherent signage, visitors will not be able to identify the location of your organisation and connect your organisation to other landmarks to help them find their way.

To create a wayfinding strategy you may need…

  • Directional fingerboards
  • Site identification signs
  • Trail markets
  • Shopfront signage
  • Illuminated signage
  • Hanging frames

Custom Signage

Whether you are implementing a wayfinding strategy or just refreshing the appearance of your organisation, your business needs signage that is unique and true to your brand. At Papercut, we offer a full range of services and will help you at every stage of the design process, from concept to creation. The right signage can help your business stand out and gain positive recognition so it is essential you trust your signage design and creation to an expert company such as Papercut.

Interested To Learn More?

Whether you are already brainstorming signage ideas or need help creating inspired concepts, contact Papercut today. A member of our creative team would love to answer any queries you may have about our signage and wayfinding services.

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